A place to learn and grow together !
At Don Bosco Academy we not only focus on providing quality education but also provide students with various platforms for their all-round developement.
Don Bosco’s capability to attract numerous children and adult helpers was connected to his “Preventive System of Education”. He believed education to be a “matter of the heart,” and said that the children must not only be loved, but know that they are loved. He also pointed to three components of the Preventive System: Reason, Religion, and Kindness. Music and games also went into the mix. The essence of this system being to prevent young people from going astray or doing wrong by ensuring the constant presence of the educator in their lives and sharing their joys and sorrows. For St John Bosco education meant a fine blend of excellence in learning and involvement in extra-curricular activities as well. He felt that learning was most productive if a – “Family Spirit” prevailed between the educator and the taught.